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Ready to start your Spiritual Journey?!

Times are changing. We are being pushed to let go of what no longer serves us. This can mean jobs, relationships, property, limitations and more. This can be very scary and painful for those who do not understand or resist. Do you feel that you need help? Do things seem to be falling apart around you? Or maybe, would you like to be able to look at things from a different perspective?


Then a TrinityTM Session with me may be just what will help you move forward!




During sessions with me, you can learn to


  • Change perspectives

  • Forgive yourself and others

  • Love yourself unconditionally

  • Clear your mind and Meditate

  • Change negative thoughts and beliefs into positive ones

  • and more


​You can release old habits and beliefs that keep you from experincing the joy and bliss. This joy and bliss is our natural state, the state of being one with the Divine/Spirit. You can remove emotional triggers and even remove core underlying issues that cause physical ailments.


The sessions will be about 30mins (or more depending on guidance) and the actual energy session takes between 10-20 minutes.

These services can be done In Person, by Phone and by Skype/Google Plus

(In person sessions for those local to Durham, North Carolina).


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$50 for one 30 minute Trinity Energy ProgressionTM session


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$30 House Clearing/Cleansing

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$30 Object/Gemstone/Crystal Cleansing

(Multiple objects can be cleansed at once)

After payment, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule the session or to confirm the details of the house or object clearing.

What is TrinityTM Energy Progression?

TrinityTM is a healing modality that assists in connecting you to the Divine Consciousness/ Divine Source/The "true you". It goes within and brings out the power that each of us possess, rather than pulling or manipulating energy from outside of you. It allows you to heal past traumas, remove limitations, beliefs and programs that keep you from moving forward and living your true potential.


Trinity allows us to remove all that keeps us from remembering that we are "The Source/Divine Consciousness/All that is." We create our entire reality, to relationships, finances, emotions, health (or lack thereof). We created this existence to experience the illusion of separation, or what it is like to "not" be Divine.


What is different about Trinity (opposed to other healing energies?)


Trinity allows us to go within and "turn up our own light" so to speak. It allows us to remove what keeps us from accessing our own Divine light. It dissolves core underlying issues that cause situations/ health issues/addictions/etc... whether they be mental, physical or emotional.

Most energy modalities can help us remove energy that has accumulated that may be causing a situation/health issue/addiction/etc. This can help for awhile, but, unless you dissolve the deepest core issue that is causing it, the energy can accumulate again and the issue could return.

Other modalities use energy from outside of the body and pull it inwards, but Trinity allows you to access your own light from within.

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